Category: Premise


Interviews With Workers

There are a total of 30 foreign workers interviewed, all employed. Of these, 5 found work through the counter, 1 through an interim employment agency (and subsequently permanently hired), 21 were hired after an internship and three showed up directly at the company. The range of nationalities is extremely wide (14 countries), but only four…
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Training/Internship Experiences

The first detail that is striking, reviewing the results of this second set of interviews with companies, is the clear preponderance, in all the territorial areas considered, of positive assessments of the training experiences hosted, which in many cases recorded by the interviewers (and probably in others with respect to which this is not noted)…
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Experience of Using Counters

Without prejudice to the considerations set out on the common characteristics that emerge from this group of interviews with companies, it is nevertheless possible to detect some differences between the results that concern respectively the Emilian and romagna focused areas. Firstly, although in all cases, for the purposes of finding the companies to be contacted,…
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Interviews With Enterprises

There are a total of 56 interviews with companies. The companies were first identified on the basis of information provided by Employment Centres, trade union confederations offices, training bodies. Since it has been found in several cases that the companies found in this way did not appear to have been the scene of work experiences…
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The local labour markets in Emilia Romagna are, to different degrees, characterized by the gap between labour supply and demand in terms of both quality and quantity. Immigration is therefore an important instrument for maintaining economic development. Training policies are one of the main levers on which to govern and make compatible phenomena which will…
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